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Image by Noah Silliman


Chair: Ingrid Hontis  - Belgian Federation of the Textile, Wood and Furniture Industries
CEI-Bois Coordination: Claudiu Sonda

The main aim of the Sustainability WG is to promote the inherent advantages of using wood. Wood is renewable, sustainable and can be used, re-used and re-cycled. It is a model product for Europe’s transition towards a Circular Economy intended to boost global competitiveness, foster sustainable economic growth and generate new jobs.
The woodworking industries are committed to source wood from sustainable managed forests and comply with the EU Timber Regulation. They are also tackling climate change by storing carbon in Harvested Wood Products and substituting other materials. Not only is the production and processing of wood highly energy-efficient giving wood products an ultra-low carbon footprint but wood can often be used to substitute materials which require large amounts of energy to be produced and suffer higher carbon intensity.
For the monitoring of the LCA/standardization-related issues, a task force within the WG is in place. The TF provides the proper orientations to ensure the woodworking industries are duly represented within the competent standardization committees. In November 2020, a Task force has been created to work on all issues related to deforestation, illegal logging and traceability of wood flows.
The Sustainability WG is involved in crucial dossiers among which the sustainability of bio-energy, the LULUCF Regulation, the Circular Economy Package and the Resource Efficiency issue, including the development of guidelines for the Cascading Use of Wood.

Sustainability Working Group: What We Do
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